SalesFrontier 成果行銷為 Google DCMP (DoubleClick Certified Marketing Partner) 與 GCPP (Google Certified Publishing Partner) 雙認證經銷商資格,致力提供媒體夥伴及廣告主全方位數位行銷解決方案。我們在尋找一起聰明工作、一起歡笑玩樂的工作夥伴,希望你具備熱情、創新、負責、主動學習、重視團隊合作等特質,我們將盡可能提供資源與創造環境,讓團隊的每一個人都能持續成長,歡迎你的加入!

加入 SalesFrontier,立即享有

  1. 便利的上班地點(捷運國父紀念館站)
  2. 令人羨慕的年假 15 天(第一年即可享有特休)
  3. 彈性上下班時間(09:00 - 18:00/09:30 - 18:30)
  4. 週休二日,勞保、健保及團保
  5. 生日、端午、中秋禮金、季獎金、年終獎金
  6. 各式點心零食、飲料及 Nespresso 咖啡
  7. 開心的週五下午茶及每月慶生會
  8. 舒適的工作環境及健身娛樂設施
  9. 不定期聚餐、電影欣賞、KTV 歡唱、員工旅遊
  10. 每人均配備 MacBook 筆電與桌上螢幕
  11. 每季教育訓練
  • 徵才中 廣告開發業務 Account Executive
    1. 程序化購買各式廣告解決方案承攬。
    2. 廣告客戶開發、關係經營與行銷提案執行。
    3. 依據客戶行銷需求,提出符合預算之最佳方案。
    4. 熟悉數位媒體廣告市場,瞭解自身產品優勢與行銷趨勢。
    5. 配合專案規劃與推廣,以達成個人業績目標。
    1. 年資:1 年以上相關工作經歷者優。
    2. 熟悉 AdWords、 GA 等數位平台者佳。
    3. 對數位廣告生態有興趣,邏輯好,靈活。
    4. 具冒險的精神、勇於挑戰、抗壓性強。
    5. 具親和,喜歡與人接觸。
    6. 良好的溝通協調能力。
    7. 可獨立作業亦能配合團隊運作。
    8. 拓展市場,以達成業績目標。
    9. 願挑戰高薪者。
    • 台北市大安區光復南路 102 號 7 樓
    • 9:00 - 18:00/9:30 - 18:30
    • 面議
    • 3 - 5 人
  • 徵才中 【香港】客戶經理 HK Account Manager

    We are looking for communicative candidates who are proactive and passionate about DoubleClick products.

    Account Manager will act as a point of contact for clients.

    To build long-lasting, mutually beneficial relationships with contacts, always striving to find the products which best fit the individual needs of the client.

    They also aid internal departments by collecting information, such as sales leads or testimonials, assisting in the processing of client needs and complaints, and identifying industry trends.

    To succeed in this position, candidates should have exceptional communication and problem-solving skills.

    You should be resourceful, analytical, adaptable, and organized with the ability to build rapport with clients.

    1. Communicating with clients to understand their needs and explain product value.
    2. Building relationships with clients based on trust and respect.
    3. Collaborating with internal departments to facilitate client need fulfillment.
    4. Collecting and analyzing data to learn more about consumer behavior.
    5. Maintaining updated knowledge of company products and services.
    6. Resolving complaints and preventing additional issues by improving processes.
    7. Identifying industry trends.
    8. Acting as a client advocate with a focus on improving the collaborate experience.
    1. Bachelor’s degree in sales, communications, or related field.
    2. Digital, Media Agency experience may be preferred.
    3. Exceptional verbal and written communication skills.
    4. Adaptability and strong problem-solving skills.
    5. Excellent active listening skills.
    6. Ability to build rapport and collaborate with others within the company and externally.
    7. Understanding of consumer behaviors and industry trends.
    8. Extensive, accurate product knowledge.
    9. Cantonese & English - Fluent speaking and writing.
    【Working Place】
    • Suite 808, 8 / F,2-20 Paterson Street, Hang Lung Centre, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
    【Working Hour】
    • 9:00 - 18:00/9:30 - 18:30
    • 面議
    【Staff Require】
    • 1 person
  • 徵才中 聯播網營運專員 Business Development Coordinator
    1. 對於數位媒體產業具有敏銳的觀察力,協助部門開發網站,拓展市場,以達成公司業績目標。
    2. 維繫顧客關係,與客戶溝通執行細節。
    3. 需有清晰思緒、彙整資訊之能力 ,能獨立進行專案執行及報表數據分析。
    4. 欲學習各網路媒體之運作。
    1. 邏輯清楚、對數字敏銳,良好的溝通協調能力。
    2. 簡報與提案能力。
    3. 樂於研究廣告系統與廣告設定,樂於學習 Google 廣告平台。
    4. 需有數位相關工作經驗。
    • 台北市大安區光復南路 102 號 7 樓
    • 9:00 - 18:00/9:30 - 18:30
    • 面議
    • 1 人